This next blog post is for anyone who needs some motivation to start running!
A marathon doesn't always mean running a 26.2 mile race, the word marathon is also used to describe a long-lasting or difficult task or activity. So with that in mind, if you are running a half or full marathon or even if you are trying to find the motivation to get fitter or run a 5K then hopefully reading this post will help you!
3 weeks ago, I was a complete running novice! I didn't own running trainers, I felt completely overwhelmed by the thought of training and juggling my work & social life with the added stress of going running every other day! I sat down and rationalised the situation. I phoned my super fit, sporty sister for some advice on when to train and how to get started and she was 100% the voice of reason I needed. She told me I didn't need to run everyday - despite what google said, and I didn't need to start with a 5 mile run! Here's my top 5 pieces of advice on how to train for a marathon!;
- Set a goal! You can always increase this target as you go, but choose an initial point that you want to train and be ready for. I went all out and signed up to run the London Marathon 2017 - I was inspired by my cousin who I watched run in 2016 and motivated by a charity close to my hometown's hearts. I'll also be running the Cheltenham half marathon in September in preparation for the full marathon, there's still time to sign up if you want to join me!
- Start Running! Firstly, find a time that works for you to run. The amount of times I've arrived home from work on a lovely evening only to bail, out of tiredness, on the 5K I had been planning all day, then feeling bad about it for the rest of the evening! Instead, I now do 5K runs, 2 mornings a week before work at 6am and one long run on the weekend. I downloaded the Map My Run App on my iPhone which allows me to track every run and see my pace and time. It's great, as you run it interrupts your music on the headphones to tell you when you've reached each KM mark and tells you the time you did it in along with the split pace which I find really motivating. Each 5K I do, I try to increase my pace/km. See below my 4 of my recent runs;
The Sauccony trainers I purchased!
Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people! Training can be an overwhelming thought at the start, so encouragement is key. Talk through your training plan with other runners, but don't panic if their plan differs to yours - everyone is different. That said, be open to suggestions if you are new to running, you can always go back to your original plan if it doesn't work for you! Running with a buddy is also great motivation to get going. If you make an arrangement to run with someone it's much harder to back out on a friend than it is to bail on yourself! In the beginning I went on a couple of runs with my housemate, Meg, we were both just getting back in to training so took it easy and power walked a bit in-between! You can also join a local running club if you struggle to go alone, if you don't know the best routes it's a brilliant way to learn the area. Most recently I went out with my sister on the bike, she kept the pace for me and kept me going - when she wasn't taking super flattering Snapchat's of course!
Fuel your body with the right nutrition! Make sure you have a good dinner before a morning run so you have the energy to wake up and go. I often have a banana right before I leave for my run and then when I get back to the house, I'll make this brilliant all natural protein shake! This is a recipe my cousin's boyfriend put together for her when she was training and she has kindly shared it with me - I guarantee you'll love it too! You can get all of the ingredients in a variety of stores, however I decided to research the best places to buy the ingredients on a budget. Click the links in the recipe below to find the items where I buy mine for the best price!;
Natural Protein Shake:
1 Banana
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Cacao Powder
1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1/4 Tsp Cinnamon
15g Protein Powder
1 Tsp Honey
Handful of Dates
Pour in the almond milk to about a quarter of the way up the blending jug. Putting liquid in first, stops the powders sticking to the bottom! Throw in the banana sliced in to 3 or 4 pieces. Add the coconut oil, cacao powder, peanut butter, cinnamon, protein powder and honey. I buy the Whitworth's pitted dates (currently on offer at Tesco until 9th Aug - link above.) which I just roughly slice in half to make slightly smaller. These are optional but they do add a nice bit of texture and sweetness to the shake. Pop the dates in and then fill up with almond milk to the 3/4 jug line. Quickly whizz up in the blender for about a minute on a high level. Voila! Pour in to a cold glass and enjoy. These ingredients are all great for muscle repair which is vital when running regularly.
So that's it! I hope these tips help to motivate you to get running or to get started on your training! Of course any questions, leave me a comment. You can also keep up to date with my training on snapchat: LindsJane4 and over on my Instagram.
Finally, I'll be doing a fashion edit of all of my favourite gym and sportswear including tech accessories next weekend, so be sure to pop back if you are stuck on what to wear when training or if you just fancy some new bits for the gym!
L x
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